Monday, April 29, 2013

First Blog

I have to admit, I think I have always disliked the idea of blogging. I thought of the people who blogged as people who are trying to force their opinions on anything and everything, whether they are knowledgeable or not. In hindsight, I think that was a very unfair opinion. However I will do my best to not tell people what or how they should think.

The purpose of this blog will be to make me (and hopefully you) a better teacher. I have taught in some way since 2007, and I have loved it ever since (if any of you care to know a little more about me, let me know. Otherwise I won't bore you with those details). Lately I have been a little discouraged preparing my algebra students for the Keystone exam, and I fell as though I have been leaning on direct instruction to cram in as much information as possible in a very short period of time.

However the past day or so I have felt a renewed sense of enjoyment from teaching. I really do love teaching, and I feel as though I will really be able to show what I can do in my second real full year of teaching. But that is next year.

This year I started a blog. I have a cool idea for a lesson tomorrow in my Pre-Calc class (Thanks Nora), and I am chaperoning a field trip Friday. So the point of this first post was for me to think about why I love teaching, because I really do love it. I can't wait to get to work in the morning.


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere!!! Yes, we want to know more about you. Sometimes I think those are the most interesting posts. I read other peoples' blogs and I get this mental image of them that I create, then they post something personal and I feel like I REALLY know them.
    So you all know, Mr. Pod loved google docs!!

  2. Welcome!

    I blog for myself. I'm amazed in looking back at some of the things I'd done in class that I'd forgotten about. :) It's also my chance to work through some of the crazy/dumb ideas that rattle around in my head, and there are a lot of people generous enough to give me feedback/help with those silly ideas.

    I also blog because I feel like I need to give back; I learn (and steal) so many ideas from others that I want to contribute what I can. If you don't like my ideas or thoughts, by all means don't read! I'd never want to "push" my ideas on anyone.

    Looking forward to reading your precalc lessons!


  3. Welcome! I just started blogging in January myself, but I love it already. I love the personal reflecting that I do when I blog. I also teach pre-cal, so I'll add you to my reader!
    (be sure and check out KFouss's blog (see comment above) - she does AMAZING stuff in precal!)


  4. Welcome! Love that Simplifying radicals "outed you." Lol!

    I teach Algebra 1 this year,and over the years, have taught it all in Mathland. Yeah, been thinking a lot about making sure everyday I put an authentic spin on what I teach, and how everyday my students will think about what they are doing.

    I love writing my blog. It forces me to be a better teacher and gives me the collegiality I crave.

    Looking forward to your contributions, thought and anecdotes. Don't forget to shout out if you want to tweak a topic or throw down an idea.

    We are here for you.

  5. yoyoyo Mr. Pod. Welcome!


  6. I suppose I should subscribe. Don't let me down Mr. Pod.
